fredag, desember 1
torsdag, november 30
torsdag, november 23
tirsdag, november 21
Scandinavian interests
Our friends at Lifeiscarbon has written a short article about Oslostil and how much they love Scandinavian street style.
We embrace them for that, and love their site which we find really informational and up to date on Scandinavian art, design and culture.
As you can see from our sidebar Oslostil also appears regularly in lifeiscarbons sidebar feature together with other Scandinavian streetstyle blogs.
We embrace them for that, and love their site which we find really informational and up to date on Scandinavian art, design and culture.
As you can see from our sidebar Oslostil also appears regularly in lifeiscarbons sidebar feature together with other Scandinavian streetstyle blogs.
Oslostil in Costume

Even though London has thousands of fashion magazines, the Norwegian ones seems to be hard to get a hold of.
I found this Costume article through my friend Agathe's blog which by the way also features in the Elle article 'Fashion scouts' with Oslostil this month.
For me it's just mindblowing to get mentioned in big fashion magazines I look up to, like Elle and Costume. As a result of that certain informal obligations appear, or to put it in another way; People expect updates and a certain quality, which is perfectly understandable.
Recently I´ve received some rather unpleasant emails which amongst others told me that Oslostil didn't deserve to be called a fashion blog. Just to answer that question, I like to say that my intention behind Oslostil was first and foremost very personal. Also it allowed me to have fun exploring the Oslo identity and style as a summer project.
However I have to be honest and say that this experience has been a good thing for me, cause it has forced me to think about Oslostil as a thing I want to develop further and do to serve you.
Together with Lukas I've soon managed to design and programme a webpage without any particular skills within that profession to start with. It's beginningg to look good and I cant wait to launch it. There will also be other features in addition to the streetpictures that will appear as soon as we have worked it through.
I look forward to getting my Christmas break now, so I can come back and capture Oslo citizens all wrapped up in beautiful layers of stylish warmth.
søndag, november 19
Sorry guys.
we sincerely apologise for the lack of updates.
please stay with us, it will all change soon.
we are working on a big surprice, which is just around the corner.
please stay with us, it will all change soon.
we are working on a big surprice, which is just around the corner.
onsdag, november 15
Rock n' Roll never goes out of fashion-London

These two Red Star Rebels band members where standing on the street corner properly hung over, but nevertheless looking extremely cool. According to Ex-Guns n' Roses member Gilby Clarke, the lads know how put on a real show "...It's the real deal, f**ing Rock n' Roll man!". We wouldn't doubt it for a second.
mandag, november 13
tirsdag, november 7
mandag, november 6
torsdag, november 2
fredag, oktober 27
Adam and Kelly-London;

Is been a while since I got here, and I have to admit that things have been a bit crazy over here. First of all, London moves so much faster than Oslo, so I have to work different from what Im used to.
I like to have a chat with people I photograph and explain what, and who Im taking pictures for etc. But there are not so much time for that, as the people passing by gets annoyed of people stopping up the sidewalk traffic.
I'll do my best to ajust, and present the London spirit through my photographs. I think this couple was nice to start on with, they where so nice and smiling and gave me a smooth start.
tirsdag, oktober 24
torsdag, oktober 19
fredag, oktober 13
I just wanted to let you know that I've been busy designing this week,its getting there so hopefully it will be up and running soon.
This has naturally prevented me from taking street pictures which is not good, but I promise to make it up for you in the next couple of days.
This has naturally prevented me from taking street pictures which is not good, but I promise to make it up for you in the next couple of days.
lørdag, oktober 7
Good news
The Lovely pictures I recieved was from Marius.
I met Marius a couple of weeks ago before I left Oslo, he agreed to help me out with Oslostil while I had to go back to my studies in London.
He's going to take pictures from Oslo while I'm posting from London. Double fun for you guys!
I met Marius a couple of weeks ago before I left Oslo, he agreed to help me out with Oslostil while I had to go back to my studies in London.
He's going to take pictures from Oslo while I'm posting from London. Double fun for you guys!
onsdag, oktober 4
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself"

When I was little I had an invisible friend called Pøbor that always helped me out whenever I had difficulties, or were in some kind of trouble. As I grew older, he left me for someone else, I guess. Or exchanged me for a younger model maybe?!
II haveve missed Pøbor ever since, cause I don't feel that the problems you face in life get any easier as you grow older, I would say rather the opposite.
My point in this story is that, the other dareceivedeved some pictures from a secret agent/friend in Oslo. I felt that what this particular agent/friend did, similarular to what Pøbor did for me when I was little.
Helping me without expecting anything in return. So for you guys that have missed updates here on Oslostil (thanks to my friend whom I at some other point will introduce you to) Here is two lovely pictures from the streets of Oslo.
And since I have a more stable internet access from today onward. You can expect to see updates from the streets of London pretty soon as well.
mandag, september 25
Oslo/London for a while

Today is my last day in Oslo for a while. I'm still trying to find out how I'm going to do it with Oslostil while I'm in London, but I guess you don't mind if I post some London pics at Oslostil in the future?!...
When I see pictures like this captured by the Sartorialist, in London. I look very much forward to continue my 'street photographing' there. I wish to explore and bring the London style to you, seen through my eyes.
But I must say I leave Oslo with a heavy heart, cause I think that I have captured some of it's true spirit throughout this summer, running my project Oslostil. And in some way I feel that I'm letting you down by moving.
I promise to make it up for you cause I have a number of great Ideas and plans. One thing that I really need is a graphic designer/programmer. So If you are out there (preferably based in either Oslo or London) and think it could be interesting to be a part of building up just contact me at for further information.
I'm also in dialog with one of Norways biggest newspapers Dagbladet about maybe doing something for them- so cross your fingers for me! I just have to thank every single one of you for being so supportive and I hope that you will keep visiting
There will be a 3 page spread about blogging in the next issue of Norwegian Elle, and I will be in it...So hit the newsstand in mid October. I will keep you updated on that one.
Lots of Love
Picture; The Sartorialist
lørdag, september 23
Sorry guys
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. It's caused by restructuring of Oslostil, because I'm moving back to London....But I'm not going to leave you and there's exiting things to come. In the meantime check out all the other exiting streetblogs in the link section.
torsdag, september 21
Did Punk ever die?

Because I was to young at the time, I unfortunately missed the original punk movement here in Norway, but my sister pretty much was the queen of punk.
Just observing the original culture was maybe a good thing, cause my sister will never touch a can of hairspray, old dirty t-shirts or leather jackets again.
tirsdag, september 19
Jeanette; Skovveien

Jeanette works as a freelance stylist, we ended up having an interesting talk about Norwegian streetstyle and fashion in general. She has lived in London for four years and I can see a bit of 'London' in her style, one thing we both agreed on is that boots never goes out of fashion, they really can rock up an outfit.
Lost but not forgot; OFW

The other day I got a reminder because of a comment I got here on Oslostil from Erlend. I thought I'd seen this guy before or taken his picture or something like that, so I searched through all of my oslostil pictures, and there between them I found him.
I don't know how I forgot this one, because that scarf is exactly like my favorite scarf during kindergarten. And Erlend was such a sweet guy!
lørdag, september 16
onsdag, september 13
tirsdag, september 12
mandag, september 11
Sanaz; Frongnerveien

She was smilingly bouncing down the street today, and had this amazing energy so I couldn't let her get away.
When we started talking she told me that she designs fur vests (as the one in the picture) so I predict you will see more of this girl in the near future.
She gets her inspiration from traveling and from her Persian/Indian background, the idea behind the fur vests (made of rabbit and sheep) came out of one of her mom's old jackets which were possible to wear inside out, very practical and smart.
So all in all it was worth the effort getting out today, despite feeling like my head got stuck in a bowl.
lørdag, september 9
New Stylediary receive
Highstreet faboulous
"Dere gjør forresten en superjobb med Oslostil-siden! Er så spennende å se diverse antrekk fra Oslos gater man ikke får muligheten til å se selv ellers, samt det å vise resten av verden litt av Norges/Oslos stil, selvom den ikke nødvendigvis kan måles med andre deler av verden"
Thanks for sharing Natalie
"Dere gjør forresten en superjobb med Oslostil-siden! Er så spennende å se diverse antrekk fra Oslos gater man ikke får muligheten til å se selv ellers, samt det å vise resten av verden litt av Norges/Oslos stil, selvom den ikke nødvendigvis kan måles med andre deler av verden"
Thanks for sharing Natalie
Hello I'm back
From fabulous Copenhagen. No pictures, but a lot of inspiration and thoughts about Scandinavian fashion and style.
I think it would be interesting and fun if you guys wrote your thoughts about Scandinavians or particularly Norwegian Fashion and style ( Just click and write directly on 'comments', or simply write us an E-mail)
We also want to mention that we really enjoyed the article Astri Moksnes Barbala wrote about Oslostil for Dagbladet Fredag (Norway's second biggest newspaper) covering streetfashion blogging.
Our intention is to be able to reach out to special interested as well as the general public, we had a good response from the article so keep on coming back to Oslostil and next time you leave the door keep in mind that you could be chased by some stylehungry bloggers.
I think it would be interesting and fun if you guys wrote your thoughts about Scandinavians or particularly Norwegian Fashion and style ( Just click and write directly on 'comments', or simply write us an E-mail)
We also want to mention that we really enjoyed the article Astri Moksnes Barbala wrote about Oslostil for Dagbladet Fredag (Norway's second biggest newspaper) covering streetfashion blogging.
Our intention is to be able to reach out to special interested as well as the general public, we had a good response from the article so keep on coming back to Oslostil and next time you leave the door keep in mind that you could be chased by some stylehungry bloggers.
onsdag, september 6
Off to style city
I'm off to Copenhagen for a couple of days. I might post some pictures while I'm there, so stay tuned. If not it would be great if I came home and the inbox where full of Oslostil-stylediary receives from you guys.