Oslostil in Costume

Even though London has thousands of fashion magazines, the Norwegian ones seems to be hard to get a hold of.
I found this Costume article through my friend Agathe's blog stylebytes.net which by the way also features in the Elle article 'Fashion scouts' with Oslostil this month.
For me it's just mindblowing to get mentioned in big fashion magazines I look up to, like Elle and Costume. As a result of that certain informal obligations appear, or to put it in another way; People expect updates and a certain quality, which is perfectly understandable.
Recently I´ve received some rather unpleasant emails which amongst others told me that Oslostil didn't deserve to be called a fashion blog. Just to answer that question, I like to say that my intention behind Oslostil was first and foremost very personal. Also it allowed me to have fun exploring the Oslo identity and style as a summer project.
However I have to be honest and say that this experience has been a good thing for me, cause it has forced me to think about Oslostil as a thing I want to develop further and do to serve you.
Together with Lukas I've soon managed to design and programme a webpage without any particular skills within that profession to start with. It's beginningg to look good and I cant wait to launch it. There will also be other features in addition to the streetpictures that will appear as soon as we have worked it through.
I look forward to getting my Christmas break now, so I can come back and capture Oslo citizens all wrapped up in beautiful layers of stylish warmth.
Again congrats! And simply love the expression 'wrapped up in layers of stylish warmth' - which is also true of Oslostil.
Dette gleder jeg meg til, Hilde! :D
Congratulations (again!)
I can't wait to see the stylishly wrapped Norwegians when you get back...
Us Scandies bringing layers back, them other boys don´t know how to dress!
Ikke bry deg om slike utrivlige mailer. Hvis enkelte folk virkelig synes at Oslostil er så forferdelig, så kan de jo bare starte en moteblogg selv...så får vi se om de klarer å gjøre en like bra jobb? Har fulgt med på Oslostil et par måneder nå, og synes det dere gjør er kjempebra.
Awais <3
Ah, anyone with ideas of what makes a 'fashion blog' is being too strict anyways. I love your pics and always look forward to seeing more.
Men dere kan jo f.eks. ikke sammelignes overhodet med Stockholm Street Style. SSS FTW!
Det er heller ikke vår intensjon:0)
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