torsdag, august 31

Breakfast At Tiffany's; Bar boca

The hair I & II; Bar Boca

Mixed Stripes; Markveien

Chic ease

Kamilla is currently studying media and communication. I met her outside Elle's office where she were waiting to Interview the chief editor for Norwegian Elle, Signy Fardal.

In front of Trabant clothing

Her name is Idil, apart from being stylish and gorgeous she works at Trabant Clothing.

tirsdag, august 29

Holy Cow; Thorvald Meyersgate

I didn't notice that the cow in the background and the girl had almost identical bags before after I took the picture, and where on my way home. Just to let you know, I took the picture in the first place because I liked the fact that she had two bags, a cool mix of pattern and a very colorful look which I found inspiring.

mandag, august 28

Reopening of Fretex; Markveien

It's not just the shop that are sweet and colorful, most of the people who buy their clothes there have their own personal style and are in search for a little special something. We are oh so glad Fretex in Markveien has reopened after the fire. More shop pictures here.

torsdag, august 24

Schizophrenic weather; Bogstadveien

Poor Norwegians, we do have our challenge when it comes to weather. Sure high heels and fancy dresses would be good, but it is impossible in this "freaky-weatherwise" country. Down to earth, classy and reasonable; this is one way to pull off a rainy-sunny day.

Love the colors; Bogstadveien

Neon glow; Bogstadveien

You don't necessarily need any other fashion statements than flashy neon-color shoes, to go with the classic hoodie and this gorgeous smile to get noticed by us.

Watch out Paris; Bogstadveien

Paris and Tinkerbell are old news. The new trend from the streets of Oslo is it the guys who stands for, with a slightly rougher look of the dog accessories compared to the ribbons and pink we are used to.

tirsdag, august 22

Preppy perfect; Rosenkrantzgate

Back to school; Frogner

The summer break is over and the whole central of Oslo it's turned into a big marked where kids buy and sell their books. It's no secret that the way to present oneself by dressing matters in this case.

That Hat; Henrik Ibsensgate

Where did you get that hat?
Where did you get that tile?
Isn't it a nobby one, and just the proper style?
I should like to have one just the same as that!
Whe'er I go they shout, 'Hello!
Where did you get that hat?'

søndag, august 20

Cute couple; Saga Kino

I spotted this cute couple right before going into the cinema tonight, thanks to my emergency pocket camera I could bring it home to you too. I love the bottom of this dress, looks like she has draped it and put a skirt on under, looks like one of them fairy-tale dresses.

lørdag, august 19

Costume invited to pre premiere of The Devil wears Prada;

fredag, august 18

Last day; OFW

torsdag, august 17

The designer; OFW

Simply Gorgeous; OFW

Lucky circumstances; Grand hotel

Eyes up for detailes; OFW

Stockings ala Prada; OFW

We want that bag Iⅈ OFW

Colors and Layering; OFW

Red carpet style; OFW

onsdag, august 16

Grace; OFW

High Style Cyclists; OFW

New Stylediary recieve;

More pictures from OFW;

In addition to Oslostil you can find regular updates from the fashion shows during Oslo fashion week here

Oslo Fashion Week 2006, part III;

Oslo Fashion Week 2006, part II;